Step 91.
The best online strategy for your charity is when you can meet your organizational objectives while simultaneously meeting your constitutes as well.
In order to accomplish this you must implement two business practices.
1. Allow for your constituents to add their own content somewhere on your Web site.
2. Survey your constituents often, with open-ended question in order to comprehend their thoughts and feelings in their own words.
Here are some great questions to ask your donors in order to better serve them.
1. What do you think is the most important need that nonprofit organizations should be addressing in the world today?
2. With regards to (your org’s cause), how important do you think it is for nonprofits to be involved in (your org’s cause)? (Very important, important, neutral, somewhat important, not important).
3. What two or three areas of the world do you think are most in need of this cause?
4. When thinking about this cause, what organizations come to mind? (Prompt only if necessary)
5. What information do you look for to decide what organizations are doing a good job of (your org’s cause)?
6. How do you like to obtain this information? Mail? TV? Radio? Internet? Other?
7. If you donate to charities that are focused on (your org’s cause), how do you decide which ones to give to?
8. How would you describe (insert your charity’s name) primary mission?
9. What are the primary distinctives of (insert your charity’s name) work? (Wait for answer…) Why is that important? How is (insert your charity’s name) different in this regard than say, (try to use an organization the donor has already identified)?
10. How did you first get involved with (insert your charity’s name)?
11. How would you describe your relationship with (insert your charity’s name)?
12. (If the donor says they donate) What motivates your giving to (insert your charity’s name)?
13. Other than your church, would you say you feel closer to (insert your charity’s name) than other nonprofits, or closer to other nonprofits than to (insert your charity’s name)?
14. Are you convinced that (area of focus of your charity’s program outreach) is an important place for helping? Why should (insert your charity’s name) be focused in (area of focus of your charity’s program outreach)?
15. In what ways do you feel (insert your charity’s name) is the right organization to be (area of focus of your charity’s program outreach)?
16. What things do you believe (insert your charity’s name) is very good at? (Follow up with probing questions about why they believe the way they do . . . )
17. What things do you believe (insert your charity’s name) could improve on? (Same follow up . . . )
18. How do you think (insert your charity’s name) can best serve the our community?
19. How do you feel about the name, (insert your charity’s name)? (Probe the donor’s understanding of your name.)
20. Which of the following (insert your charity’s name) programs are you familiar with? (List your nonprofit’s top six programs.)
21. What nonprofit organizations do you give to?
22. What do you feel these organizations provide?
23. In the future do you plan to give to (insert your charity’s name)? If yes, what would motivate you to make a decision to give? For example, a special mailing on how they are solving their core purpose? If no, why not?
24. In closing, what final advice would you have for (insert your charity’s name)?

Step 92. Protect Your Organization's Name

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