Step 80.
Every day of the work week, you should have someone on your staff spending at least an hour on creating buzz.
Creating buzz is making connections with other organizations, groups, individuals, and for-profit companies online.
Your objective is to generate inbound links. These links not only produce new like-minded people coming to your Web site but they also increase your search enginge rankings.
Here are a Baker's Dozen of inbound link ideas.
1. First start with your friends, board memebers, volunteers, corporate sponsors, etc. Perhaps these folks have Web sites and would be more than happy to display their affection for your charity by having their Web site link to yours.
2. Local radio stations will often link to charity Web sites especially if you are in the middle of a campaign with the station.
3. Business owners who supply your charity with stuff, such as chairs, paper, desks, legal advice, etc. Treat these people as partners and not vendors and they will no longer see you as a customer but as a friend.
4. Make sure your charity is listed at online yellow pages and other business directories.
5. Cause-minded social networks, such as,,, etc.
6. Contact local service groups and clubs, such as Masons, Lions, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce.
7. Nonprofit trade publications, such as the Nonprofit Times and Chronicle of Philanthropy.
8. Nonprofit trade associations, such as Association of Fundraising Professtionals, Christian Management Association, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, etc.
9. Your current funder's Web sites, such as private and public foundations.
10. Ensure you are listed with third-party charity directoris, such as Guidestar and Charity Navigator.
11. If your charity syndicates content, make sure with every piece of content you provide it has a link back to your Web site.
12. Make sure you are listed in your city's quick link directory.
13. If your organization is a part of campaign that involves other charities and groups, then development a campaign specific Web site with links to all of the partners involved.

Step 81. Drive Traffic Through Social Network Marketing

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